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Holiday cards

The First

I have been sick this whole week!  Ever since we came back from Vermont I’ve had a cold.  Friday I thought I was finally better, but alas no.  I ran out of cold medicine(except nighttime stuff which makes me sleepy during the day- go figure!)  So this morning I got DayQuil and so far it’s working.  I can breath and it doesn’t feel like my face will implode.  Hope everyone has had a better start to their new year.  I know a lot of people who have been sick this week.  It could always be worse- I could have been sick over the holidays or when I was super busy right before the holidays or next week when I have to fly.  Flying with a cold is not fun.  DayQuil and I are best friends right now.  I had all these ideas for blog posts this past week but when you get sick you don’t want to to anything.  So that’s what I did- came home, ate and went to bed.

This was the first photo I took this year(kinda lame I know)- I was shocked to find this in the store on Friday!  I LOVE cadbury cream eggs and can’t get enough of them at Easter time.  I even had a photo of me eating one as my facebook profile pic:)  When I visited London back in college I was so excited to buy one from a vending machine in the Tube!  If only it was that easy here, but then again maybe I wouldn’t look forward to having one as much……

And is it me or do they keep getting smaller every year?


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T. 732.239.0418

E. meridith@meridithdesmondphoto.com