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Holiday cards

Meet Raffaele Diego

Remember back in November when I photographed Maximo and his family?  If not click here.  Well, baby brother Raffaele arrived just before Christmas and I had the pleasure of capturing him and all is cuteness last weekend:)  I love the names Maximo and Raffaele- makes we want to go back to Florence.  Boy do I miss it there, I need to visit soon with my camera.  While I studied abroad there I had a film point & shoot Canon so I felt limited with my picture taking.  If when I go back I’m going to take so many photos my husband may not actually want to go with me!  Ha.

Back to the photos-  this family is so relaxed and comfortable it’s so fun visiting with them.  They are always spending time with each other making food, eating, drinking wine- togetherness is what it’s all about.  I love seeing families grow before my lens like they have.

Look how happy Raffaele is!  Really a great baby:)  I don’t think he made one peep the entire time I was there.

Or course Maximo had to get in on the action!

Raffaele’s dad, Chris, got a bunch of these old jars and filled them up to use during the session.  Perfect for the family who loves to cook.

How cute is Maximo here.

This crock is from Chris’ grandmothers basement- Raffaele fit perfectly inside.  I love using family props during my sessions- such history!

Love this next set of photos- the best family portraits are fun like these!

This family is always whipping up something in the kitchen- how good does this look!  Yum!  I could move right in if they make meals like this all the time.

Thank you guys for another fun session and for the wine.  It was so great to see you all again and meet Raffaele.  Lots more to come in your gallery + the photos I think you may use for the birth announcements which I didn’t want to post here!  Hope to photograph you all again soon.


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T. 732.239.0418

E. meridith@meridithdesmondphoto.com