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Let’s chat about making memories for you and your favorite people!


Holiday cards

Meet Michael Charles, II

Meet the very cute and cuddly baby Michael, who is the second baby of one of my best friends!  We spent a quiet winter morning snuggling, yawning, eating lollipops and jumping on the bed.  Ok the baby didn’t do those last 2 but his big sister Ava couldn’t resist having her picture taken and having fun in front of my camera.

I love photographing newborns at home with their parents and siblings, it’s so cozy, very personal and 1000 times easier on the parents than traveling to a photographers studio with their new baby.  I like to capture your lives together, as hectic as they are with a brand new baby, because it’s these precious early and new times you will want to remember as they grow older.   At home newborn sessions also let us take our time and relax, making for truly loving and emotional images of your new family.  Congratulations again Kimberly and Mike – can’t wait to see you in a few weeks for his Baptism.  I’m sure he has grown since we last saw him!!


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Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to meeting you and your favorite people!





T. 732.239.0418

E. meridith@meridithdesmondphoto.com