
Here you will find my latest work! Like what you see?

Let’s chat about making memories for you and your favorite people!


Holiday cards

April Goals

One of my favorite photographers, Jamie Delaine, started writing down her monthly goals and I thought this would be a great idea for me.  I LOVE lists, I have lists for all my to do stuff but I think putting it out there on the internet to everyone will make me accomplish more on those lists.  Since I am also leaving my job in 5 short weeks I think these goals will keep me on track with my business.  These are going to be a mix of personal and business goals.  Look for blog posts throughout the month as I hopefully accomplish these goals.  In no particular order here we go:

  1. paint the trim in the upstairs hallway- all 4 door trim, 1 window and baseboard(at least there’s no crown molding up there) the actual doors have to wait until it’s warmer and I can take them off the hinges bring them outside to paint.
  2. paint the walls in the stairwell where Chris scratched it up as he had to bend and take apart our box spring to get it up to our bedroom- at least we aren’t sleeping on just the mattress anymore:)
  3. hang more artwork around the house
  4. add more images to the weddings section of my website after the NJ Fast Track shootout next week
  5. mail units 2 & 3 images to NYIP– the online photo class I’m taking that I’ve TOTALLY slacked on!
  6. sell 10 more things on ebay- my new obsession:)
  7. revise my client contracts
  8. introduce Portrait Collections to my pricing & blog about
  9. start my Pinterest page
  10. sell my canon 70-300mm F4-5.6 IS lens– if anyone is interested shoot me an email!  I don’t use it that much and I really want to get the 70-200mm 2.8L
  11. start a quarterly client newsletter

I have 4 days off from my full time job this month for Passover so I’m thinking I can get a lot of these crossed off!  Wish me luck.



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Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to meeting you and your favorite people!





T. 732.239.0418

E. meridith@meridithdesmondphoto.com